Memory Card for CCTV Cameras

Memory Card for CCTV

Most of the modern IP security cameras have a memory card slot. This is very interesting because the camera can record on the same type of card used in regular photo cameras, but it is important to understand exactly what is the best CCTV camera memory card type that can be used on your IP […]

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QoS for CCTV cameras

How to use QoS for CCTV

Allowing data to flow more quickly and efficiently over the network. This is the function of QoS that can prioritize a specific type of traffic.QoS can be used in networks that have different types of services such as audio, video and data working together. It can also be used with IP CCTV.Comparing QoS with car […]

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IP camera login

Safe CCTV camera passwords (don’t get your IP camera hacked)

Installing IP CCTV cameras and not worrying about passwords, is the same as locking your house main door but leaving the windows open.In fact we have to worry about all aspects of security, and when we install devices such as cameras, DVRs and NVRS, there is the possibility of having hackers attacks via network.You must […]

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Coaxial cable for CCTV

Best coaxial cable for CCTV

When you are about to design an analog CCTV project it is crucial to know which CCTV coaxial cables can be used and how they affect the overall quality of the system that will be installed.Let’s talk about the best coaxial cables for CCTV.In this article, we will talk about coaxial cables widely used in […]

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Coaxial cables for CCTV Systems

Coaxial cable for IP CCTV Systems

When designing an IP CCTV system, it is necessary to know how the data will be transmitted from the cameras to the recording and monitoring system.There are different ways to send the cameras signals, some are better than others and sometimes also more expensive, so we have to know the options available and what are the […]

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Network IP camera rear

What are the IP camera advantages? (over analog systems)

An IP camera can have many advantages when compared to a traditional analog camera, in this article you will understand the advantages of IP camera for video surveillance projects.The first thing we must understand is that the principles of light and imaging are universal and do not change when you use an IP camera or […]

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Is your CCTV system safe from hackers ?

Nowadays everyone wants to connect their CCTV system on the Internet to see everything remotely via computer, mobile phone or tablet.The question is: “Is your CCTV system safe from hackers ?”People install IP cameras, DVRs or NVRs, enable P2P, cloud, or whatever the new technology that manufacturers offer to make the customer happy with their […]

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HDMI cable for CCTV

How to choose the best HDMI cable for CCTV?

The best HDMI cable for CCTV are the ones that can handle the traffic from the Digital Video Recorder (DVR) or Network Video Recorder (NVR) in high-resolution without compromising the video qualityIn many CCTV installations that use DVRs/NVRs, the customer wants to see the images through a monitor connected directly to the recorder.For this type […]

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Your CCTV system is about to be hacked

OK, let’s start with that statement above. It is a proven fact that any device connected to an IP network can suffer attacks and intrusions by hackers and viruses. And the world-installed DVRs and security cameras are on this list of devices.Let’s talk now about one of the biggest problems found in the area of […]

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What is ONVIF ?

Do you know What is ONVIF? You must understand this protocol if you are working with IP based systems in the video surveillance or access control industry.What is ONVIF?ONVIF is a worldwide open standard protocol for interconnection between IP based systems such as video surveillance and access control devices. Most modern IP security systems are ONVIF […]

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