Where is ADT monitoring located?

If you have an ADT security system installed in your home, you may wonder where ADT monitoring is located? Well, my friend, that depends on where you live.

How many monitoring centers does ADT have?

ADT is one of the companies with more monitoring centers in the US. In 2021 ADT has 12 monitoring centers around the US; they are interconnected and staffed with certified professionals ready to respond to the customers' alarms. 

Suppose the customer's alarm system loses the connection with its primary monitoring heart. In that case, it automatically gets connected to a secondary one, and the process is repeated over again to a third, fourth, fifth monitoring center until the connection is established.

Each ADT monitoring center can take over 20,000 calls per day and respond to over 20 million alarm signals each year. That's a serious business.

Where are ADT monitoring centers located?

There's a National Account Operations Center and monitoring facility is in Irving, TX, and a disaster recovery monitoring center in Wichita, KS.

ADT monitoring centers are scattered over North America, and the number increase over the years. It's hard to keep track of each one of them.

The picture below is a map that shows part of the ADT monitoring centers.

ADT monitoring centers map

Source: ADT website

This map is outdated and doesn't show all the actual monitoring centers.

Where is ADT headquarters?

ADT headquarters is located on Florida.

Here's tha address: 1 Town Center Rd., Boca Raton, FL, 33486

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