Hikvision NVR Failed to Download the Video (Solved)
Are you having issues with the Hikvision NVR failing to download the video to your PC? Yeah, I’ve been there, and I have the solution for this problem.
The problem usually appears when you are trying to download the footage and displays a message “Downloading failed” and you can’t save the video to your computer.

You can fix this problem by restarting Internet Explorer as administrator and downloading the footage again. This procedure will allow you to save the footage on your PC.
Later in this article, you can find a link to a video that shows all the details and a real example of how to fix the footage download issue.
Let’s take a look at the details.
The picture below shows an example of a Hikvision NVR web browser interface. The playback menu shows the videos available.

It’s possible to select the footage we want to download; however, an error message “Downloading failed” pops up and prevents us from saving the file on the computer.
Now to fix this problem is necessary to open Internet Explorer as an administrator. You need to right-click on the shortcut and choose the option “Run as Administrator“

Type the NVR IP address on the web browser search page and enter your credentials, then open the playback menu and select the footage you want to download to your PC.
You may see the progress bar working now…

You can change the location where the NVR saves the files in the main menu, as shown in the picture below.

And that’s all you have to do. Easy, huh ?
Now you can save the footage to your PC.
Here’s a video that shows this process in details…

It’s hosted on YouTube.