If you see the Hik-connect status offline, chances are your devices are having some problem to communicate to the Internet. Let's see how to fix the problem...
Usually, you can see a message with the error code 0x1007 that indicates the network problem and you need to address the problem to get the Hik-connect online.
To solve the problem check the network configuration and make sure all parameters are correct including the DDNS server address.
The network diagram
I'm assuming you are familiar with the DVR's network configuration, just in case you aren't, please read the article "Hikvision DVR Network Setup".
I will use an example with my DVR to show you how to enter the correct information. Below there's a diagram that represents my network.

The addresses I'm using here probably are different from the one you have in your network but the idea is that you can understand the principles behind the example and change your DVR accordingly.
The addresses I'm using here probably are different from the one you have in your network but the idea is that you can understand the principles behind the example and change your DVR accordingly.
The Hikvision network configuration
Let's take a quick look at the DVR (or NVR) network menu.
In the Hikvision DVR click the "configuration" menu.

Open the network menu and check all the information related to the IP address the DVR is using in the network. In this example I have...
IP address:
IPV4 subnet:
Preferred DDNS:
Alternate DDNS: < empty >

The gateway IP should be, so it's necessary to fix it.
It's also recommended to use more than on DDNS, so in this case, I just need to enter the information for the Alternate DNS that is currently empty.
I can use the Alternate DDNS which is a Google server available on the Internet. You can use the same one, no matter your local network IP.
So, for this example, the final configuration is:
IP address:
IPV4 subnet:
Preferred DDNS:
Alternate DDNS:
And now I have all the information my DVR needs to connect to the Internet so the error code 0x1007 should no go away and the Hik-connect status offline should change to online.
Fix your network
Just follow the example in this article and check your local network.
Make sure the network cable is connected to the router and all the information discussed previously is correct according to your local network.
Remember that your network is probably different from mine, so don't copy my configuration but just check which one is correct for you.
The only information you can copy from my example is the DDNS address and which are well-know servers from Berkeley University and Google respectively.
To fix the error code 0x1007 and change the Hik-connect status from offline to online you just need to make sure the DVR has the correct network configuration and use the trusted DNS servers.
If you need more help visit the Hikvision Website.
I hope this article can help you, please share it with your friends.