How to flip the image of a Hikvision PTZ camera (Mirror and Flip)

In this article I show how to flip the image of a Hikvision PTZ camera.

Depending on the type of installation (indoors or outdoors), you may want to flip and mirror your camera's image, and there's a menu for that.

I've tested this feature with my Hikvision Mini PTZ camera and it works.

Hikvision Mini PTZ camera

Hikvision Mini PTZ camera

Let's take a look at how to do that.

How to flip (mirror) the image

Here's the step-by-step to flip/mirror the image of a Hivision camera.

  • Login into the camera;
  • Open the menu configuration >> Image >> Video Adjustment;
  • Change the option from OFF to Center.

And it's done.

The process is very simple and takes only a few seconds.

The following images show the camera configuration menu.

Hikvision camera flipped image

After changing the option from OFF to center, the image is flipped.

Hikvision PTZ camera image OK

And that's all you have to do.

Just in case you have some problems, here's a heads up.

The Hikvision flip image menu is not available

Let's say you want to flip the image of your Hikvision PTZ camera, but there's no menu available. Here's a quick solution to this problem.

Change the "Scene" mode from Outdoor to indoor to enable the "Video Ajustment" menu, as shown in the picture below.

Hikvision PTZ Camera Indoor Outdoor Menu

When I tried to change the scene mode on my Hikvision camera, the image disappeared while the drop-down menu was opened. It's some weird behavior.

Sometimes the image stays on the top of the menu and blocks it. Pretty annoying.

Anyway, you only need to change the scene mode, and then you will be able to flip the camera image. After that, you can change the scene mode back to the way it was before ( if you want to use outdoor scene for some reason).

Please visit the Hikvision website for extra hep.

I hope this article can help you, please share it with your friends.