How To Enable HTTPS Access on your IP Camera

enable https

IP or Internet Protocol Cameras are essential for corporations to ensure that things are running smoothly.

IP cameras are used for surveillance. They receive and send video footage over an IP network.

But, for them to work optimally, they need some protection. They need to have HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure encryption to maintain the safe passage of video data from their server to your browser.

So, today we are going over six steps that will help you enable HTTPS access on your IP camera.

But have you wondered why you need HTTPS access in the first place?

Well, let us elaborate on that:

Why do you need HTTPS access?

HTTPS is security encryption that prevents any third party from intervening between two communicating entities.

HTTPS does so through the help of an SSL Certificate or Secure Socket Layer certificate that helps encrypt the entire data so that no hacker can see or manipulate it.

Since security cameras record critical data, it is essential to have HTTPS encryption so that data can be passed from the camera’s web server to your web browser without any intervention.

If your camera does not have HTTPS encryption, any hacker can sit between the connection and see what is passing through.

Furthermore, they can also steal such data and sell it on the dark web. The worst part about IP camera hacking is that it can severely damage a nation’s defence against its foes if it happens in military instalments.

How To Enable HTTPS Access on your IP Camera?


1. Connect, and log in to your IP camera

The first step is to configure your IP camera. You will require a username, password and IP address to log in.

Most times, you will find all three details on the cover of the camera box. However, if you are unsure how to do it, we recommend reading this article on “how to connect your IP camera to PC/MAC?” first.

And do not worry about your username and password; we will further change them in the steps.

2. Find the HTTPS setup.

Though most IP cameras have their HTTPS settings in the setup menu, you can still consider consulting your service provider before setting up the HTTPS.

A general process to find HTTPS is:

  • Go to the setup menu.
  • Click on the System submenu.
  • Click on safety under the system submenu.
  • Go to HTTPS under the safety submenu.


3.Create a certificate for encryption and decryption

In this step, you must create a self-signed certificate that will match the information during encryption and decryption.

The certificate will be created on the camera but installed on every computer you want the camera to connect to.

Here is how you install it:

  • In the HTTPS section, click on create.
  • Enter your IP address or domain name that you used to log in to the camera control centre.
  • Enter a 2-digital country code and follow it up by entering your email address. Also, set the validation time for the certificate; you can choose it to be valid for up to a year.
  • Ensure no typos in the details entered; otherwise, you will have to log out and log back in to run through the entire process again.
  • Click on the create button and download the certificate by creating a folder on your computer.
  • Once downloaded, click on save. If you want to keep it on multiple computers, you need a network share or a flash drive to copy it.
  • Once you have saved the certificate, it is time to install it.

4.Install the certificate

Creating and saving won’t help the cause; you need to install it appropriately. If you do not install it, your browser will show a “not secure” sign while visiting the website.

So, here is how you install it:

  • Visit the location of the saved certificate.
  • Once you double-click on the certificate, a dialogue box will pop up that says “install certificate. Click on that,
  • After that, an import wizard will open asking you for “store location.” Choose your store location to be “Current user” if you are the only user accessing the camera or “local machine” if multiple users will be accessing the camera. Click “Next.”
  • Choose the “Place all certificates in the following store” option and click “Browse.”
  • From the section, choose “Trusted root certificate authorities”.
  • Click on” OK”
  • Click on “Next” and then “Finish” to complete the wizard process.


5. Enable HTTPS in the camera 

Once you are back to the IP camera’s interface, it is time to enable HTTPS.

  • Click on install and allow 30 seconds to install the certificate.
  • Click on Save, and you are done with installation.
  • Once you do that, an “operate succeed” message will appear.
  • Check the HTTPS box and click “Save.”
  • If asked, allow the camera to reboot to enable the HTTPS fully.

6. Double-check whether or not HTTPS is working

We recommend accessing the camera using the newly created IP address to double-check the HTTPS.

Ensure that it has an HTTPS ahead of the URL, such as

In some browsers, a warning sign is shown during the first-time login. You will have to acknowledge the warning and add a “safe site” exception.

We ask you to add an exception because you have already created a certificate for HTTP encryption, so you know that your IP camera site is 100% safe.

However, the camera loading time may increase as HTTPS works to encrypt and decrypt data but, you can certainly take that as long as your camera is safe.

Final Thoughts

IP cameras have gained substantial importance in the corporate world. As a result, businesses can closely look at how things are going in their headquarters from the comfort of their homes.

But the safety of IP cameras has also become a paramount concern as hackers have started targeting them.

Be it military facilities or corporate outfits, IP camera protection is mandatory for all. So, follow these six steps above and secure your camera from cyber criminal